8th saw the inaugural edition of the NPC Chamberlain Cup. The show featured bodybuilding,
figure and bikini. Situated in the Grand Ballroom of the Holiday Inn, West Chester,
the athletes presented themselves after long months & weeks of dieting and preparation.
up was the figure competition. The "A" class featured a newcomer to the sport; Sonia
Jimenez #3 who placed 3rd. Jimenez was shapely and showing great promise for future
shows. In second place was 32 - Angel Girondo who was beaten out by another newcomer
Zamira Doar #2 who brought quiet confidence, classic shape and a symmetrical package
to the stage.
Figure B, Karoline Ozols-Roman took the 1st place trophy followed by Girondo who
crossed over to Master Figure.
Girondo & Ozols-Roman went toe-to-toe in the Overall with Doar taking the Chamberlain
Cup after a tough battle. Classic lines, shape, balance & excellent muscle tone
won the day.
the Novice bodybuilders, #6 Jason Cottone took 3rd place behind #7 Evan Zeidler
in second. First place went to Tyler Hockman from West Virginia with balance, hardness
and good muscle-size. The Novice HW 3rd place went to local athlete Matt McGee
#9 from Downingtown, PA. Once he fills out that long body, he’s going to be
tough to beat. 2nd went to Jason Spears #10 another long body. First was seized
by a thickly muscled Kamal Saraireh from Yonkers, NY. This is Saraireh’s first
Novice Overall was a hands down unanimous win by Saraireh who overpowered Hockman
with dense, thick muscle that was evenly distributed over his physique.
MW class was not a mystery as Zeidler won over Cottone who faced on another earlier.
#11 Joe DeAscanis walked away with first in the LHW class. Among the heavy weights,
Matt McGee #9 took 4th, Jason Spears #10 took 3rd the real battle took place between
Dave Embry #13 and Ross Mattis #12. Embry is just returning to the sport after a
knee injury. He has an incredible wingspan with dense mature muscle. He took second
to Mattis' first place. Mattis was thick and full with incredible size in his legs.
He was balanced in his development with good symmetry.
Superheavy weight class was won by newly crowned novice overall champ Kamal Saraireh.
Overall 2009 NPC Chamberlain Cup winner was #11 Joe DeAscanis the LHW. His mature,
balanced muscularity coupled with symmetry and conditioning helped push him to the
top. His width, density and ability to show his physique led the judges to unanimously
vote him the overall champion. The audience was likewise unanimous in its approval
of the judges choice.
Todd Howe, Co-Promoter
Other show Pics.