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Randi Marie - 2011 Randi Marie - 2011
"The day of this shoot I will always hold near and dear to my heart. June 11, 2011 I opened a door to exciting opportunities --the day of my first NPC showing. Before pre-judging, my coach Glenn Nowland introduced me to Spence, and told me I would be doing my first photo shoot during intermission. Though it was a dreary, misty, rainy day in Paterson, I stepped in front of that camera and experienced an exhileration I had never felt before. Spence coached me through all of my angles and poses, and we came up with an array of shots I never thought possible. That day I truly became a G-Force athlete, and now we have the pictures to prove it!

I have to thank my mother for being my rock, my coach Glenn Nowland for the hard preparation he coached me through, and Erica Gigante & the Muscle Maker Grill Brick team for helping me get through my toughest of days. I know that this shoot with Spence was the first of many to come in the future, and I can't wait to work with him again!"

Quick Info

  • Hometown -  Brick, NJ
  • Occupation:Student
  • Age: 19
  • Height: 5'2"
  • Weight (offseason / contest):109/100 lbs
  • Years Bodybuilding: 1
  • Gym you train at: Pure Focus/Retro Fitness

Contest History

  • 2011 NPC Garden State was my first show: 6th

Planned 2011 Local Shows

Jersey Shore and Muscle Beach

Anybody special you’d like to thank?

I'd like to thank, first and foremost, my G-Force Team. Without Glenn Nowland, Vanessa Rahn, Christian Coronato, Terry and Danny Hawtin I really don't think I'd even be here. Also, my mother has had a great deal of patience dealing with me, seeing as it is a very stressful world. Also, without Erica Gigante and Muscle Maker Grill Brick I would never have met Glenn, so my love goes out to them as well.

How did you get started in Bodybuilding? How did you get started in Bodybuilding?

I attended a few shows and got hooked. I met the right coach, who was willing to put my best interests first and it all snowballed from there.

What has been your most memorable experience to date competing in the NPC?

A girl never forgets her first show! I placed sixth at the Garden State 2011 show and I couldn't be more thrilled to have that as my first show experience.

What are some of the attributes that make you successful

My drive and dedication make me successful.

What type of training approach do you utilize?

It really depends on whether I'm bulking or cutting. Plyometrics play a great role of importance in my training.

What type of dieting approach do you utilize?

Again, it really depends on if I'm bulking or cutting, but the most important things to remember are to have patience and weigh my food!

What supplements are essential to your training?

BCAAs, Glutamine, Protein shake.