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Files Marketing Inc DE-NJ-PA-OH

MyContestPix.com Pictures

Over 250,500 BodyBuilding pictures! Click the year to see them!     Beach Volleyball, Tennis, Track and Field...    Sports Photography...    Videography...    Web Site Development...    All pictures on this site are for SALE!!

Click the Videos on the Right!

Video Options
Instructions for Downloading Video clips from our site: Once we receive your request, we will email you a link to download the video.
Depending on what you order, these will be very large files. A high speed connection is required.  
  1. Select the type of video you want from the drop down list.
  2. List your name and competition/tag number.
  3. Select a Video size (1920 or 720) and then list the video segment(s) you want.
  4. Click the Add to Cart button.
    You can remove items after you click the Add to Cart button or View Cart.
  5. The quantity for each video should be 1.
  6. Go back to the drop down if you want a CD/DVD shipped to you. Blu-Ray Disk is coming soon for players.
  7. Repeat steps 1-4 for other videos segments.
  8. If you have any questions, please use the Contact Us form below!
Choose your Video Segment
Tag No/Video Res (1920 or 720)
List Video Segments

Sample Form:
Contact Us
Email Us with an questions or if you need more room to list your picture names.