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Files Marketing Inc DE-NJ-PA-OH

MyContestPix.com Pictures

Over 250,500 BodyBuilding pictures! Click the year to see them!     Beach Volleyball, Tennis, Track and Field...    Sports Photography...    Videography...    Web Site Development...    All pictures on this site are for SALE!!

   Video Segments

Shows on DVD
    DVD of Prejudging
  • $36 each - Includes shipping

  • Show Name and Tag number

  • DVD of Finals
  • $36 each - Includes shipping

  • Show Name and Tag number

  • DVD of whole Show
  • $70 each - Includes shipping

  • Show Name and Tag number
Order Video Segments Here
The default quantity is 1.
Please change it if requesting more.
  • Any posing or individual routine - $10
Show Name and Tag number
  • Any specific Class/segment from Prejudging
    (ie.. Masters, Master Figure, Figure short, Fitness, Novice LW, Open HW).

    Other segments not in Prejudging - Guest poser, Posedown, Figure comparisons.) - $20
Show Name and Tag number
Contact Us with Details

After you do an online order, please email us with the specific tag and class for the segments you want.

    Depending on the number of segments, we may email you multiple times or allow you to download them.

    All videos will have a watermark on them...